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Business Consulting & Fractional COO

Strategic Guidance. Operational Support.

Helping you sustain and grow your business while you focus on what you do best.


Crystal Young,
Founder & Advisor

Crystal is a seasoned Business Consultant based in Southern California. With 10 years of experience in the industry, she has helped business owners achieve their goals through strategic guidance and operational support. She is dedicated to building an efficient and results-driven relationship with each of her clients. Contact Crystal to learn more about her vision and consulting approach.

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Our Services


Starting with an in-depth assessment of your business, tailored recommendations are provided to enable your goals. By then embedding into your leadership team, we are able to bring your goals to life together.

Being versatile and dynamic, your advisor can lend impactful support no matter what area of your organization we're focusing on - from pricing strategy, organizational structure, risk management, employee experience, reducing costs, and growing and scaling.


Employee Satisfaction

Insight into key drivers of employee retention, talent optimization, and employee satisfaction: including data,

sentiments, benchmarking, and specific recommendations for improving the overall employee experience.


Organizational Design

Evaluate and recommend an org structure that best suits your business. Development of departments / functions needed in the new structure as well as reporting lines. Can include career paths for employee growth and development.


Succession Planning

Whether looking to get out of the day-to-day operations, handing off your business partially or wholly, creating and leading transition activities to support these changes for exiting and upcoming leadership.


Pricing Strategy

Assessment of current pricing model and creation of pricing strategy that enables higher revenues and margins while

maintaining desired clients. Includes industry research and benchmarking as well as financial modeling to show the impact of the new pricing strategy.


Process Optimization

Creation of a visual map of a current business processes to include key metrics, identification of pain points, bottlenecks and quality issues: including process improvements to eliminate, automate or reduce time spent on nonvalue add activities and shift focus on activities that matter and maintain effective costs.


Customer Satisfaction

Collect data and information to measure current client satisfaction, provide benchmarking data, and a path forward to be able to collect and take meaningful and timely action on customer feedback. Implementation of processes that are customer-friendly and ease doing business with you.


Change Management

Creation of change management plans for upcoming changes in your organization – from new business models, new leadership, evolving job roles, to new processes and systems. This can include communications, training, and other engagement activities.


Define Job Roles

Evaluation of current job roles, development of new roles needs, gap identification of talent / key skills needed, and transition employees into new roles effectively. Includes level loading

work to allow leaders and business owners to focus on strategy and oversight rather than day-to-day operations.


Leader Development

Coaching and mentorship for leaders either transitioning into a leadership role or those looking to improve their skills with people leadership. Key areas of focus include meaningful feedback, conflict resolution, delegation, change management, and effective communication.

Reach out for a free consultation

Client Testimonial

“Working with Crystal has transformed our business.   Through her comprehensive analysis of our business, she was able to find and not only uncover real issues but offer real solutions.  Crystal’s approach is professional, methodical, and is balanced to ensure that we’re always looking at the big picture and that no stone is left unturned.  I consider Crystal an asset to our organization, and could not imagine being able to scale without her. "

 Derek Kordower, COO, Aura Accounting

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